'View a table with a lot of columns (50)

I was wondering if you know some tools to help to display a table with around 50 columns. Let's imagine we have 4 row and 50 columns:

  • if we use Excel and dezoom we can't see anything,

so I was thinking of an interactive tool which dynamically displays the first columns on the screen and returns to line to display the remaining columns (perhaps it would need 5 or more return to lines to display all columns).

Do you know if such a tool (or tips to achieve this) exist?


Solution 1:[1]

Try this code on your sheet (Just change the name of your workbook, in my case Book1)

ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = True
Windows.CompareSideBySideWith "Book1:1"
Windows.SyncScrollingSideBySide = False
ActiveWindow.Zoom = 84
Windows.SyncScrollingSideBySide = True

On a resolution of 1920x1080 pixels, you will get 50 columns on 2 windows synchronized.

Hope it helps


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Solution Source
Solution 1 David García Bodego