'BotDisabledByAdmin error from Microsoft Bot Framework

Our customers upload our app as a custom Microsoft Teams app that has a bot and install it into a Team. From then on, we send notifications to users directly on their Microsoft Teams app via the bot.

This has been working fine for a long time. Recently, we started getting back BotDisabledByAdmin response when we try to post messages to the users in one of the tenants.

We realised that the Tenant’s admin has setup policies to block custom apps. This prevented us to even uninstall and reinstall the app into any Team in the Tenant.

After noticing that, the Admin has changed the policies to allow all custom apps. We had to wait 3 days for the changes to take effect and after that, we were able to uninstall and reinstall the app freshly.

Although we are able to use Botframework APIs to search users to find their ID etc., we are unable to post messages to any of the users. We are still receiving BotDisabledByAdmin error.

I’m attaching all the policies that are set in the Tenant under Microsoft Teams admin portal. The blacked out app under Global policy is our app.

Are there any other policies, settings or restrictions that we could double check to resolve this issue?

enter image description here Our App allowed explicitly as a custom app enter image description here enter image description here


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