Category "command-line-interface"

How to force Flutter to update my version and build number?

I've changed my version in pubspec.yaml to 1.0.1+1 (from 1.0.0+3) flutter clean flutter build ios When I open [project]/ios/Runner.xcworkspace it still shows me

Rest-Client gem RoR, Getting SSL wrong version error

I want to build a cli ruby app which sends requests to Rails API server. I wanted to use rest-client gem to do that. Every time i use I get

'azsphere tenant list' command error occurred

To check Azure Sphere tenant list, I used azsphere tenant list command, but an error occurred like below. >azsphere tenant list --verbose The command failed

Alter JSON file in CLOUD SHELL Terminal

this is my file : $ cat INPUT-JSON {"endpointId": "1411183591831896064", "instance": "[{age: 40.77430558, ClientID: '997', income: 44964.0106, loan: 3944.219318

Output AWS cli sync command from bat file to log file with timestamp

I would like to run aws s3 sync on a scheduled bat file, logging the output to a file with timestamps. Here is the bat file: cls set ARG1=%1 if %ARG1%==test co

unable to upload nfts using metaplex

while am uploading Nft asset to Solana network and have this error : Beginning the upload for 22 (img+json) pairs started at: 1646166389888 initializing candy

Error: Package "@ionic/angular-toolkit" has no builders defined

[error] Error: Package "@ionic/angular-toolkit" has no builders defined.} at WorkspaceNodeModulesArchitectHost.resolveBuilder (C:\Users\Lenovo\Documents\kr

Azure CLI Exception Handling

I have installed the azure cli on my local system and I am able to run the azure cli commands in Windows Powershell. When I run any command which is not correct

Pass contract's code and data to another contract via CLI

Working on contract fabric, starting with the sample. TvmCell stateInit = tvm.buildStateInit(templateCode, templateData); code and data are TvmCells of a templ

How to set global configuration for angular-cli?

I would like to make my ng serve command default with liveReload = false. I tried ng config --global serve.options.liveReload false but I got an Invalid Path e

How to create a GitHub repository secret /encrypt it using bash on Ubuntu?

I'm trying to create/update a GitHub secret using bash on Ubuntu. Their api docs say that I should get the public key from the repo encrypt the secret with it c

How do I run a gui Java application headless, without control of the source code?

I want to execute a Jar file using javax swing GUI with 1 radial option, a file selector and a button. The goal is to be able to automate the jar through CLI an

How to open Visual Studio Code from the command line on OSX?

The docs mention an executable called code, but I'm not sure where I can find that so I can put it on my path. The zip I downloaded from the VSCode site did not

Change directory in Jupyter Lab not working

I ran the commands attached below in my command line and it works, as it should, but not in JupyterLab. It seems odd but I was wondering what's going on?

Swagger-codegen: error: ignored arguments: 'Object'

I'm getting a weird error, and I can't seem to google the right things, as I'm finding no help online. I am writing a script that converts swagger files to type

Short flag for `git push --force-with-lease`?

I've begun using git push --force-with-lease rather than --force in most cases for the additional branch protection: git push --force-with-lease vs. --force I m

Parsing HTML on the command line; How to capture text in <strong></strong>?

I'm trying to grab data from HTML output that looks like this: <strong>Target1NoSpaces</strong><span class="creator"> .... <strong>Targ

How to query CSV using pure spark sql

I hope to get output from spark-sql CLI. But the data is in CSV which is separated by "\t". Is there any way to do this using pure sql? cmd like: spark-sql -e '

How to query CSV using pure spark sql

I hope to get output from spark-sql CLI. But the data is in CSV which is separated by "\t". Is there any way to do this using pure sql? cmd like: spark-sql -e '

Is there a way to erase the last line of output?

A very simple program that prints 3 lines of output: console.log('a'); console.log('b'); console.log('c'); Is there a way from program to delete the last line