Category "extentreports"

How to write a generic base64 screenshot method using selenium 4 with java and attach it to extent report on test failure?

method used currently public static String getScreenshot(String screenshotName) throws IOException { String dateName = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddhhm

screen shot is not displayed in extent report

The screen shot is taken and stored in the folder. but its not displaying for the failed test. displayed as corrupted image. Java Code: public synchronized

How to combine ExtentReports for multiple JUnit5 test classes into one HTML file?

I'm using ExtentReports (version 5.0.5) with JUnit 5. Here is my BaseTest class snippet. public class BaseTest { protected static ExtentReports extent;

Extent test report V3 (junit4) - Troubleshoot with appending test cases under 1 class into unique report

I have problem with appending tests into a test report. I just wanted to do the most basic steps, so I wrote 4 tc. When I run them and open the report, every ti

How to generate an extent report for POM QA automation framework with updated classes?

I am developing a QA automation framework using a Page Object Model in C#. I want to get a report about passed and failed test cases. I think Extent Reports is

Extent Reports won't provide the report for me

I'm trying to provide a report for a simple QA Method but the code wont generate any report for me, please help! namespace CasinoClubTests { [TestFixture]