To display custom widgets on google maps google_maps_flutter I use a very convenient function that translates any Widget (including those containing images) int
I have this section for clustering markers on a map with a custom cluster image: <agm-marker-cluster *ngFor="let item of clusters | keyvalue" imagePat
I'm using google_maps_flutter: ^0.5.24+1 plugin. I can't drag the marker inside map even though draggable property is set true. Whats wrong here? My code :
I want to know about the marker information that are grouped under marker clustering in AGM google Maps. <agm-map #agmMap [latitude]="latitude" [longitude]="
I've read numerous docs, posts, etc. and cannot seem to get things to work. I have a realtime database listener that provides lat/long coordinates, inside a Fi
I have a group of markers which I retrieved and plotted on a google maps interface. I have also implement a geolocator package that gets users location. So I ha
I'm using GoogleMaps Autocomplete in an AngularJS application and when I call... autocomplete.getPlace(); half the time when i try to use place it says geom
So I'm trying to make a Custom Google Map where the user can either use the input (with autocomplete suggestions for places) to select the position in the map o
Trying to display multiple markers but it's not working. I'm trying to display multiple markers on google maps but I'm getting multiple errors InvalidValueError
I am making an application with a Google Maps on it, for Android. I have plenty of Markers on my screen and I am preparing customizable balloon for each marker