Category "google-maps-markers"

How to create an image from a widget in Flutter-web?

To display custom widgets on google maps google_maps_flutter I use a very convenient function that translates any Widget (including those containing images) int

agm-marker-cluster does not show markers after zoom

I have this section for clustering markers on a map with a custom cluster image: <agm-marker-cluster *ngFor="let item of clusters | keyvalue" imagePat

Unable to drag marker on google map in flutter

I'm using google_maps_flutter: ^0.5.24+1 plugin. I can't drag the marker inside map even though draggable property is set true. Whats wrong here? My code :

how to know the markers information that are clustered on marker clustering in agm

I want to know about the marker information that are grouped under marker clustering in AGM google Maps. <agm-map #agmMap [latitude]="latitude" [longitude]="

In Flutter Google Maps how do I add and remove markers based on a realtime database listener?

I've read numerous docs, posts, etc. and cannot seem to get things to work. I have a realtime database listener that provides lat/long coordinates, inside a Fi

Is there a way on Flutter to identify and navigate to a marker from my current Location?

I have a group of markers which I retrieved and plotted on a google maps interface. I have also implement a geolocator package that gets users location. So I ha

Google maps API autocomplete.getPlace() inconsistently returns geometry

I'm using GoogleMaps Autocomplete in an AngularJS application and when I call... autocomplete.getPlace(); half the time when i try to use place it says geom

Google Maps Marker doesn't remain draggable after setting a Custom Place using Autocomplete

So I'm trying to make a Custom Google Map where the user can either use the input (with autocomplete suggestions for places) to select the position in the map o

Google Map marker errors, InvalidValueError

Trying to display multiple markers but it's not working. I'm trying to display multiple markers on google maps but I'm getting multiple errors InvalidValueError

How to know which Marker was clicked on Google Maps v2 for Android?

I am making an application with a Google Maps on it, for Android. I have plenty of Markers on my screen and I am preparing customizable balloon for each marker