Category "openlayers-3"

Openlayers: Is there a way to create a *fixed* overlay?

I am using Openlayers 3. I am trying to display a fixed graticule showing the center of the view on a map with a popup displayed in an overlay. I have created

OpenLayer 6.3.1 problem displaying GeoJson data on the map

I have problem with openlayer geojson. I'm trying to display data in the map, but nothing I try works. What do I need to change to display the data on the map?

Openlayers Feature Style zIndex

I have a circle, which has an animation running on it, here is a quick hacked jsFiddle to demonstrate. I can not seem to get the

How to get features from vector layer in Openlayers 3

I am trying to get the features from my vector layer. The vector layer is composed from a GeoJSON document loaded via Geoserver. I tried vector.features but in

Access to Image from origin 'null' has been blocked by CORS policy

I have JavaScript application in OpenLayers 3, and my base layer is created from local tiles. I work only in my computer so I do not know why I have CORS error.