Category "redirect"

how to send variable along with the redirection in nodejs?

#Following in my code for redirect along with variable in nodejs"/newcall", function(req, res) { var f = (req.body.try); console.log("val"+ f) r

Express Login With Redirect Using Node.js

I'm trying to implement a basic login mechanism based on this answer: In my backend I'm handling the login post req

Rails flash :error, :notice are lost on redirect but alert is not

The docs for redirect_to state clearly that redirect_to can take :alert => "x" and :notice=>"x" options for flash after the path, but anything else needs

Logout if session expires from no activity and redirect to login page

I'm trying to update a website with flask where users have accounts and are able to login. I want to make user session expire and logout if there is no activity

how to redirect the user back to desired URL after login page in PHP?

OK. I have a page called plans.php, inside I have three links (Plan 1, Plan 2, Plan 3). Each link has its own page and it redirects to login page (login.php, wh

Apache HTTPS Reverse Proxy URL Redirection

I've a node application running on 3001 port. For HTTP to HTTPS, I've configured apache virtual host with reverse proxy and it is working fine. Now I need to re

Add New Parameter to Existing URL using htaccess

I have a url like below But i want to add an additional parameter to this url like below. http://filespecifica

React-Router External link

Since I'm using react-router to handle my routes in a react app, I'm curious if there is a way to redirect to an external resource. Say someone hits: example.

How to redirect to another page after n seconds in wordpress without using javascript?

Following problem: I check a condition for a plugins' page in php and if it's false I want to redirect to another page. With PHP it would simply be: header('

submitting the form in iframe and redirect the whole page

I guess I have an easy question, I have not found the right answer yet though. I have an iframe in my page that comes from an external domain. After submitting

Laravel 4 Redirect::back() not going to previous page (refreshing current page)

I have a simple Lavel 4 project and I am trying to do a simple redirect to the previous page after the information has been submitted. However, when inserting R

Redirect my to discord

I've been looking for a method with DNS to redirect my domain's subdomain e.g to

Httpclient redirect handler

I'm trying to call a web server that is using relative URL redirects for some of the calls. This of course isn't working with DefaultHttpClient as it isn't trea

How to get rid of ampersand using WP Nonce URL and WP Redirect or PHP header

My code was working fine: $registrado = "no"; $redirect_url = site_url( "/pedido-nao-recebido/?mpms2pagarme=retorno&codigo=nao200&mensagem=oui&reg

Rails/Rspec - testing a redirect in the controller

So I am currently writing a test for a controller in an existing controller that just didn't have one before. What I want to test is a redirect that happens whe

Redirecting html page with javascript

I have a combo-box which redirects a user to a specific page. To redirect, if I use window.location.href = ... when they hit back, it automatically redirect

Redirecting html page with javascript

I have a combo-box which redirects a user to a specific page. To redirect, if I use window.location.href = ... when they hit back, it automatically redirect

Redirecting html page with javascript

I have a combo-box which redirects a user to a specific page. To redirect, if I use window.location.href = ... when they hit back, it automatically redirect

Redirecting html page with javascript

I have a combo-box which redirects a user to a specific page. To redirect, if I use window.location.href = ... when they hit back, it automatically redirect