UPDATE: I have tried implementing the SQLData interface for my Financial.class and PersonalInfo.class Java POJOs defined on my @NamedStoredProcedureQuery for th
someone could help me to solve this bug? i have update spring boot from 2.5.x to 2.6.3 and now the query like: @Query("select count(s.subjectId) from PreChe
This is the DTO class public class InvoiceCountValueDto { private String ackNumber; @DateTimeFormat(pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd") @Temporal(TemporalType
I am stuck with some problem about using JPQL with spring data Here is my code snippets @Entity @Table //... public class Parent { @Id private Stri
I have a spring data jpa query that reads a row from a mysql table with a pessimistic lock. In my environment, this table only contains one row so it should be
I am currently working with Spring Data JPA, specifically Postgres. Our database is highly Normalized. In some scenarios we have some tables that contains stati
I am trying to deploy a small springboot app on tomcat9 , the tomcat9 is on ubuntu 20 on my account in digital ocean . the problem when i am adding the spring d
I'm having a problem to use like on List field. Entity class: @Entity public class ToSearch{ @Convert(converter = CollectionConverter.class) private Li
I have an TimelineEntity entity, that uses HoTimelineType enum with custom integer value. That custom integer value is stored in the database. Implemented via U
I need to create shopping cart. I have a model CartItem: @Entity @Table(name = "cart_items") public class CartItem { @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = Generation
I have a database with some entities, ( in parent child relationship )I can say and when When I try to make a query to child table to get all the rows, I only g
Enabling @Version on table Customer when running the tests below @Test public void actionsTest1 () throws InterruptedException { CustomerState t = customerS
Below the Entity trying to persist : @Data @Entity @Table(name = "REQUEST") @TypeDef(name = "jsonb", typeClass = JsonBinaryType.class) public class Request { @
A query for a stored procedure for multiple delete yield an error message shown way below. CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE delete_dim_page(_page_id bigint) LANGUAG
I have created a product table which has four foreign keys mapping to different tables and creating relationship of ManyToOne. so i created manytoone relationsh
I'm working on a project with multiple user data mapped to a user by one-to-one relationships in the entities. I'm in the process of adding another entity which
I am implementing Spring-JPA application . In the model class I am using @Table annotation to map the table with the model class and against the column name usi
Can anybody please tell me @Query annotation will support DB independence query mechanism Example: public interface UserRepository extends JpaRepository<Us
How can I access other query parameter values inside QuerydslBinderCustomizer? My goal is to create a departure.between(min, max) binding, that I want to derive
I have a Spring Boot application and hibernate exception comes every day at a particular time at night. The exception is : could not execute statement; SQL [n/a