'Disabled dates in ion-datetime (Ionic 4, Ionic 5)

The scenario I have implemented my ion-datetime into requires that certain dates can be disabled. Blockout dates. This is something that's fairly common in apps in general, like Airbnb.

The ion-datetime module that ships with Ionic does not support disabled dates as far as I can tell and I could not find an external library that supported date and time selection that could be implemented into a modern iteration of Ionic and work.

Has anyone tackled this issue in an elegant way or have any solution to make the [Ionic] native datepicker disable certain picker-opt days from the select wheel?

Solution 1:[1]

I have had to adapt my own solution in the end, having had no leads. I thought I'd share this in case anyone else faces a similar situation (until Ionic inevitably adds something to its core).

These instructions make the assumption that you already have a solution to set blocked dates, I recommend using ion2-calendar (& its multi pick mode)

So in your HTML you would have something like:

    (ionChange)="setSelectedDateTime( orderDatePicker.value )"
    displayFormat="DD MMM YYYY HH:mm"

Some required imports in your TS (underscore):

import * as _ from 'underscore/underscore';

And in your TS file you'd have to add above the constructor your default variables to use pervasively:

@ViewChild('orderDatePicker', {read: ElementRef}) public orderDatePicker: ElementRef;
dayChangeObserver: any = null;
monthChangeObserver: any = null;
current_month_blockout_dates: any = null;

You need a method to filter down to the blocked dates of a selected month.

checkMonth( monthNumber: number ) {
    let dates = this.product.blockout_dates;
    if(dates) {
      let current_dates = dates.filter(dateObj => dateObj.months == monthNumber);
      return current_dates;
    return [];

Then you will notice I have a method set on the click event of the ion-datetime, so it will set up some listeners, mutation observers to be exact.

I have commented the code to explain it, but essentially the scrollers use style to transform their X axis up and down, so the mutation observers watch these events to know when changes are being made - as the native available ionChange event only fires on the selection process.

The Done button is shown or hidden as a result. I am using jQuery to make javascript selection a little quicker (for me at least). I am also using the underscore utility belt to debounce on the mutation observers, otherwise they fire too many times while scrolling.

setUpListeners() {
    const self = this;
    if(!this.monthChangeObserver && this.current_month_blockout_dates.length > 0) {
      setTimeout(() => {
        const day_scroller    = $('.picker-col:nth-of-type(1) .picker-opt-selected');
        const month_scroller  = $('.picker-col:nth-of-type(2) .picker-opt-selected');

        // Whenever a month is scrolled
        this.monthChangeObserver = new MutationObserver(_.debounce(function() {
          let monthNumeric = (1+Number($('.picker-col:nth-of-type(2) .picker-opt-selected').attr('opt-index')));

          // Retrieve the blocked dates for the selected month
          this.current_month_blockout_dates = self.checkMonth(monthNumeric); // uses 'self' to step outside of mutation scope
          let bdates = this.current_month_blockout_dates;

          // Enable all days for the current month
          $(`.picker-col:nth-of-type(1) button.disabled`).removeClass('disabled');

          // Create an array of the blocked days
          let bdays = [];
          if(bdates.length > 0){
            bdates.reduce(function(previousVal, currentVal) { bdays.push(currentVal.date); }, 0);

          // Cycle through that array and disable those day dates (visually)
          if(bdays.length > 0){
            bdays.reduce(function(prv, cur) {
              $(`.picker-col:nth-of-type(1) .picker-opt[opt-index=${cur}]`).addClass('disabled');
            }, 0);

          // Disable or enable the "Done" button depending on whether or not the selected day is 'disabled' (after month is scrolled)
          if($(`.picker-col:nth-of-type(1) button.picker-opt-selected`).hasClass('disabled')) {
          } else {
        }, 100));

        // Whenever a day is scrolled
        this.dayChangeObserver = new MutationObserver(_.debounce(function() {
          let selected_day = $('.picker-col:nth-of-type(1) .picker-opt-selected');
          let dayNumeric = (1+Number(selected_day.attr('opt-index')));

          // Disable or enable the "Done" button depending on whether or not the selected day is 'disabled'
          if(selected_day.hasClass('disabled')) {
          } else {
        }, 100));

        this.dayChangeObserver.observe(day_scroller[0], { attributes : true, attributeFilter : ['style'], childList: false, characterData:false , subtree:false });
        this.monthChangeObserver.observe(month_scroller[0], { attributes : true, attributeFilter : ['style'], childList: false, characterData:false , subtree:false });
      }, 100); // Slight delay to allow the DOM to render

Lastly just add the CSS to your global.scss file:

ion-picker-column {
    .picker-opts {
        .picker-opt {
            &.disabled {
                opacity: 0.25;
                text-decoration: line-through !important;

crossed out day (date) and Done button hidden

Solution 2:[2]

You can you simple way just use [disabled]="true"

 <ion-input placeholder="Pick a due date" [(ngModel)]="selectDate" id="open-date-input-1">

<ion-modal class="date-time-modal" trigger="open-date-input-1">
            <ion-datetime showDefaultButtons="true" presentation="date" #popoverDatetime1
                (ionChange)="selectDate = formatDate(popoverDatetime1.value)" min="1947-12-30"
                pickerFormat="DD MMM YYYY:HH:mm" max="2050-12-31" [disabled]="true">
                <div slot="title">Pick a due date</div>

enter image description here


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1
Solution 2 Siddhartha Mukherjee