'Keeping time-series while grouping by season in xarray

I would like to have the winter (DJF) average for every year to plot a time-series.

I know that I can group by season if I have a data array (DA). I don't know what to do next and all examples I seen are about seasonal average, which remove the temporal axis completely:


I would like to do something like this:


And have a data point for every winter of each year.

Solution 1:[1]

You can directly access the datetime components of your time dimension and use it for selecting & grouping.

What you want can be done with:

# select DJF
DA_DJF = DA.sel(time=DA.time.dt.season=="DJF")

# calculate mean per year

Solution 2:[2]

There's an example on Xarray's resample that shows how to downsample monthly time-series data to seasonal data. Asuming you have all months of the year, using


will give you the yearly timeseries of the averages of DJF, MAM, JJA, and SON. In this new series, DJF will have months=12, MAM will have months = 3, JJA will have months = 6, and SON will have months = 9.

It's important to note that the averages of DJF are asigned to the year of December and not the year of January-February.


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Solution 1 Val
Solution 2 lanadaquenada