'React Native Android No such property - logger for class DefaultProjectDescriptor

I am developing my app using React Native and now when I open the android project in Android Studio, during gradle sync it is throwing this error:

A problem occurred evaluating settings 'MyApp'.

No such property: logger for class: org.gradle.initialization.DefaultProjectDescriptor

Caused by: groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: logger for class: org.gradle.initialization.DefaultProjectDescriptor

I tried installing yarn add react-native-unimodules but this won't resolve.

I am using NVM to used node version 14.17.3 Android gradle plugin version: 4.1.0 Gradle version: 6.8

Please help me resolving this as I am stuck on this since 2 days now.

Solution 1:[1]

I had the same problem I tried different node versions with nvm and also downgrade android studio but none worked for me. also, I tried installing node via homebrew. What I did was to start android studio using

open -a /Applications/Android\ Studio.app

The problem was that android studio couldn't find node so in this case starting with the above command fixed the problem for me and I used nvm

Solution 2:[2]

I was able to resolve this issue by fully shutting down my MacBook Pro and starting it up again. Once started I loaded my project in Android Studio once again and let the gradle build finish.

Solution 3:[3]

Fixed this by downgrading Android studio to version 4.1.3. Before that I installed Node through NVM but it didn`t help

Solution 4:[4]

I had same error using ReactNative and NVM. Installing NodeJS through package manager solved the problem. I guess NVM environment wasn't loaded in Android Studio environment.

Solution 5:[5]

I encountered this exact error on a new MacBook M1 where I formerly used Java 8 with Rosetta (from the migration). After installing Zulu Java 8/11 with ARM-64bit support, I could not build the React Native App anymore.

I simply deleted the .gradle folder (e.g. in ~/.gradle) and executed the build command again. It downloaded Gradle from scratch and the build worked.

Solution 6:[6]

The real fix is stackoverflow.com/a/70891538/9878385

Run chmod +x /Applications/Android\ Studio.app/Contents/bin/printenv and this actually fixes the problem, rather than just working around the problem.

Solution 7:[7]

Check Android Studio for available updates

Android Studio -> Check For Updates

I have updated Android Studio and Tools to the latest version and this solved the problem. Currently I have Android Studio Chipmunk | 2021.2.1 (Build on April 28, 2022)


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Rasoul Salehi
Solution 2 rohitpaniker
Solution 3 DeducMe
Solution 4 David Fabreguette
Solution 5 papagei9
Solution 6 Karatekid430
Solution 7 Den Kison