'Understanding Verilog signal width parameter inheritance [duplicate]

I have a Verilog design from Xilinx that I am trying to understand. Coming from VHDL I have a hard time grasping the definitions inside the design. Things are written as though they should be explicit. But as soon as I run the simulation things are completely different.

As in the example in the image below: Inside the entity block, there is a parameter STRB_WIDTH = 2. So I am expecting the output signal AXI4_S_OP_TKEEP [0:(STRB_WIDTH-1)] to have a 2 bit width. The simulation on the right however shows a 32 bit length.

edit: solved by @toolic by pointing to the instantiation

// Frame Checker to check output from RX_Stream
aurora_64b66b_0_FRAME_CHECK #
    // AXI4-S input signals


Screenshot of Xilinx Vivado
Screenshot of Xilinx Vivado


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